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Justyna Prajsnar, PhD Eng.


Phone: +48 12 6395 155
Room: 237

Research Topics:


  • Modification of β-lactam antibiotics with bacterial derivatives to synthesize new drugs in the fight against drug-resistant bacteria
  • Biocatalytic conversion of pro-chiral ketones to chiral alcohols using PEDH dehydrogenase
  • Bacterial cultures of Pseudomonas putida strains on substrates with a different carbon source, for bioplastic biosynesis
  • Transformation of competent cells, expression of S-PEDH and R-PEDH in different strains of Escherichia coli



  • UV-VIS spectroscopy
  • High performance liquid chromatography, HPLC / MS
  • Gas and liquid chromatography

  • Bacterial cultures (liquid and on solid media)

  • Enzymatic catalysis

  • FPLC and electrophoresis techniques for enzyme purification

  • Genetic transformation of bacterial strains

  • Genetically modified bacteria

What do we do

Our aim is to combine the research potentials of Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry and Institute of Plant Physiology in the field of biochemistry and biotechnology

Our Projects

Laboratory members aplly for new domestic and international projects in order to carry out increasingly advanced research


Join our team

We are open to scientists willing to cooperate on ongoing projects as well as those coming with their own scientific ideas



Contact us

If you are interested in research conducted in our laboratory or have any questions, please do not hesitate and feel free to contact us


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